Source code for trainstation.ensemble_optimizer

Ensemble Optimizer

import numpy as np
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union
from .base_optimizer import BaseOptimizer
from .optimizer import Optimizer
from .model import Model

[docs]class EnsembleOptimizer(BaseOptimizer): r""" The ensemble optimizer carries out a series of single optimization runs using the :class:`Optimizer` class in order to solve the linear :math:`\boldsymbol{A}\boldsymbol{x} = \boldsymbol{y}` problem. Subsequently, it provides access to various ensemble averaged quantities such as errors and parameters. Warning ------- Repeatedly setting up a :class:`EnsembleOptimizer` and training *without* changing the seed for the random number generator will yield identical or correlated results, to avoid this please specify a different seed when setting up multiple :class:`EnsembleOptimizer` instances. Parameters ---------- fit_data : tuple(numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray) the first element of the tuple represents the fit matrix `A` (`N, M` array) while the second element represents the vector of target values `y` (`N` array); here `N` (=rows of `A`, elements of `y`) equals the number of target values and `M` (=columns of `A`) equals the number of parameters fit_method : str method to be used for training; possible choice are "ardr", "bayesian-ridge", "elasticnet", "lasso", "least-squares", "omp", "rfe", "ridge", "split-bregman" standardize : bool if True the fit matrix and target values are standardized before fitting, meaning columns in the fit matrix and th target values are rescaled to have a standard deviation of 1.0. ensemble_size : int number of fits in the ensemble train_size : float or int if float represents the fraction of `fit_data` (rows) to be used for training; if int, represents the absolute number of rows to be used for training bootstrap : bool if True sampling will be carried out with replacement check_condition : bool if True the condition number will be checked (this can be sligthly more time consuming for larger matrices) seed : int seed for pseudo random number generator """ def __init__(self, fit_data: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], fit_method: str = 'least-squares', standardize: bool = True, ensemble_size: int = 50, train_size: Union[int, float] = 1.0, bootstrap: bool = True, check_condition: bool = True, seed: int = 42, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(fit_data, fit_method, standardize, check_condition, seed) # set training size if isinstance(train_size, float): self._train_size = int(np.round(train_size * self.n_target_values)) elif isinstance(train_size, int): self._train_size = train_size else: raise TypeError('Training size must be int or float') self._ensemble_size = ensemble_size self._bootstrap = bootstrap self._kwargs = kwargs self._train_set_splits = None self._test_set_splits = None self.model_splits = None
[docs] def train(self) -> None: """ Carries out ensemble training and construct the final model by averaging over all models in the ensemble. """ rs = np.random.RandomState(self.seed) optimizers = [] for _ in range(self.ensemble_size): # construct training and test sets train_set = rs.choice(np.arange(self.n_target_values), self.train_size, replace=self.bootstrap) test_set = np.setdiff1d(range(self.n_target_values), train_set) # train opt = Optimizer((self._A, self._y), self.fit_method, standardize=self.standardize, train_set=train_set, test_set=test_set, check_condition=self._check_condition, **self._kwargs) opt.train() optimizers.append(opt) # collect data from each fit self.model_splits = [opt.model for opt in optimizers] self._train_set_splits = [opt.train_set for opt in optimizers] self._test_set_splits = [opt.test_set for opt in optimizers] # Constructs final model by averaging over all models in the ensemble. parameters = np.mean(self.parameters_splits, axis=0) self.model = Model(parameters=parameters)
[docs] def predict(self, A: np.ndarray, return_std: bool = False) \ -> Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]: r""" Predicts data given an input matrix :math:`\boldsymbol{A}`, i.e., :math:`\boldsymbol{A}\boldsymbol{x}`, where :math:`\boldsymbol{x}` is the vector of the fitted parameters. The method returns the vector of predicted values and optionally also the vector of standard deviations. By using all parameter vectors in the ensemble a standard deviation of the prediction can be obtained. Parameters ---------- A fit matrix where `N` (=rows of `A`, elements of `y`) equals the number of target values and `M` (=columns of `A`) equals the number of parameters return_std whether or not to return the standard deviation of the prediction """ prediction =, self.parameters) if return_std: predictions =, self.parameters_splits.T) if len(predictions.shape) == 1: # shape is (N, ) std = np.std(predictions) else: # shape is (N, M) std = np.std(predictions, axis=1) return prediction, std else: return prediction
@property def error_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Matrix of fit errors where `N` is the number of target values and `M` is the number of fits (i.e., the size of the ensemble) """ if self.parameters_splits is None: return None error_matrix = np.zeros((self._n_rows, self.ensemble_size)) for i, parameters in enumerate(self.parameters_splits): error_matrix[:, i] =, parameters) - self._y return error_matrix @property def summary(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Comprehensive information about the optimizer """ info = super().summary # Add class specific data info['parameters_std'] = self.parameters_std info['ensemble_size'] = self.ensemble_size info['rmse_train'] = self.rmse_train info['rmse_train_splits'] = self.rmse_train_splits info['rmse_test'] = self.rmse_test info['rmse_test_splits'] = self.rmse_test_splits info['train_size'] = self.train_size info['bootstrap'] = self.bootstrap # add kwargs used for fitting info = {**info, **self._kwargs} return info def __repr__(self) -> str: kwargs = dict() kwargs['fit_method'] = self.fit_method kwargs['ensemble_size'] = self.ensemble_size kwargs['train_size'] = self.train_size kwargs['bootstrap'] = self.bootstrap kwargs['seed'] = self.seed kwargs = {**kwargs, **self._kwargs} return 'EnsembleOptimizer((A, y), {})'.format( ', '.join('{}={}'.format(*kwarg) for kwarg in kwargs.items())) @property def parameters_std(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Standard deviation for each parameter """ if self.model_splits is None: return None return np.std(self.parameters_splits, axis=0) @property def parameters_splits(self) -> List[np.ndarray]: """ All parameters vectors in the ensemble """ if self.model_splits is None: return None return np.array([model.parameters for model in self.model_splits]) @property def ensemble_size(self) -> int: """ Number of train rounds """ return self._ensemble_size @property def rmse_train(self) -> float: """ Ensemble average of root mean squared error over train sets """ if self.model_splits is None: return None return np.mean(self.rmse_train_splits) @property def rmse_train_splits(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Root mean squared train errors obtained during for each fit in ensemble """ if self.model_splits is None: return None return np.array([model.rmse_train for model in self.model_splits]) @property def rmse_test(self) -> float: """ Ensemble average of root mean squared error over test sets """ if self.model_splits is None: return None return np.mean(self.rmse_test_splits) @property def rmse_test_splits(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Root mean squared test errors obtained during for each fit in ensemble """ if self.model_splits is None: return None return np.array([model.rmse_test for model in self.model_splits]) @property def train_size(self) -> int: """ Number of rows included in train sets; note that this will be different from the number of unique rows if boostrapping """ return self._train_size @property def bootstrap(self) -> bool: """ True if sampling is carried out with replacement """ return self._bootstrap